How to Say to Your Boss Positively?

Listening | English and Chinese scripts are provided below and you can understand the content easier.

Hi boss, I’m currently occupied with two projects. They’re the preparation of annual dinner and award ceremony. May I have your view how I should prioritise my work?

Hi boss, I’m not quite sure about issue. Please give me some time for clarification. I’ll get that done shortly.

Hi boss, although I do not have such knowledge, I would like to learn more and lead the project. I’m willing to have a try.

Hi boss, both approaches have their pros and cons. I think that there may be warranty issue if we opt for approach one. We should take extra note of it.

Hi boss, please find my recommendation of solving the problem. Let me show you the details step-by-step.

Hi boss, the analysis is a bit complicated. Is there anything I need to know before drilling down  the detail?

Hi boss, regarding the task, I’ve done it before. How can I help?

Hi boss, before moving forward, can I have your green light on the framework of my development plan?

Hi boss, for the ad hoc task, I can get it done on time. May I discuss the action plan with you by tomorrow?

Hi boss, can I have a catch-up meeting with you? I would like to collect your initial feedback based on the draft of my proposal.

Hi boss, regarding the work, I’m now consolidating the information. I’ll let you know when the report is ready for your review.

Hi boss, I would like to update you the progress of the project. Please don’t worry. It’s in good progress. I’m confident that I can complete it according to the required timeline.

Hi boss, I understand what you’re saying. I’m thinking of another option because I found an updated view in the market. Can I spare you some time to elaborate the rationale?

Hi boss, I think we can solve the problem with two approaches. I propose option one because the cost is relatively low and the outcome would be more preferred by customers as compared with option two.

Hi boss, it’s my fault. I’ll make sure that the error will not be repeated next time. Please accept my apology.

Hi boss, regarding the issue, I’ll handle it well. I’ll investigate the issue and find out the solution. Please rest assured.

Hi boss, for the new project, what’s your plan? When do you want to get it started? I would like to get prepared for it.

Hi boss, it’s a new challenge to me. I’m happy to help. Please trust me and I can do it well.

Hi boss, I would be happy to take up the job. I’ll take some time to explore the way.

Hi boss, as you’ve assigned the task to me, I’ll take the lead on that. I’ll make my best efforts to complete it as scheduled.























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